Gelöste Aufgaben/JUMP/Driver Controls

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Driver Controls

Since we’re in a 2D-simulation environment, the driver controls only “gas” (acceleration) and breaks - no directional control needed to be taken into account.


Block diagram

The track poses challenges that require the driver to control the driving and breaking torque on the wheel. These track-specific challenges include

  • achieving maximum acceleration, thus avoiding wheel-skid and adjusting to a slip that provides optimal traction,
  • achieving maximum deceleration when breaking and therefore avoiding wheels becoming locked,
  • avoiding excessive battery-temperatures and thus controlling driving torque.


The driver is tasked to control wheel slip and wheel skid via the "gas"-pedal. We differentiate between

  • slip as the relative micro-velocity necessary to transmit forces in rolling contact and
  • skip as unwanted excessive relative velocity resulting from poor torque-control at the wheels.

The information for this task come as "info" from the car's motion.

Friction characteristic and desired skid-velocity-range.

To avoid wheel skid and to control slip, the driver will aim to maintain a relative velocity at the wheel-contact point “C“ around the small velocity vε, thus reducing torque MW if vrel > vε and increasing MW if vrel < vε.

This is a very challenging system to be controlled because

  • the velocity domain that we target is rather small and
  • the characteristic for vrel > vε is degressive: the friction force decreases with relative velocity.


The most common controller in technical applications is a PID-controller which are based on the proportional, integral, and derivative terms of the error-value. Our target value to control is both

  • the slip-velocity vrel with set-point and
  • the cruising-velocoty vc with set-point .

We define the error values e for both as



The functions for e1 ensures that "p" increases e.g. if vrel < vε and decreases otherwise.

Block-diagram controller

With controller parameters Kp, Ki, Kd we get this diagram for the controlled system.

When increasing the speed to target-value Vset, the maximum force delivered at the point of contact C governs the acceleration of the car-body. Thus, we set the relevant error-value to be

The controller thus adds to the state variable

of the system.

For the differentiator-part we would need to find

as the rate of change from the Car-Body-Model.

So the only state variable from the driver is


The output "p" of the submodel is not directly a state variable, but

But since the DC/DC-converter can only take values between 0 ... 1 we define

This constraint in the value of p brings more headache to the problem, because the integrator-part Eof the controller "runs-off" if the error-value is positive for a long period of the simulation. We'll see that later.


name symbol unit
integrator part of PID controller E(t) 1


name symbol value unit
coefficient of proportional contribution Kp 1 1/s
coefficient of integrator contribution Ki 100 1/s^2
coefficient of differential contribution - not employed Kd 1
max. tolerated battery temperature TB,max 60 °C
target-speed (choose very high when you want "pedal to the metal") Vset 10 m/s

next workpackage: e-motor and drive-train →


  1. Yuan, Lei; Chen, Hong; Ren, Bingtao; Zhao, Haiyan: Model predictive slip control for electric vehicle with four in-wheel motors, Proceedings of the 34th Chinese Control Conference July 28-30, 2015, Hangzhou, China, p 7895-7900
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